Project Overview

I completed this project for my masters DS and Algorithms course. Wikipedia is a massive graph of interconnected links (nodes). The objective of this assignment was to write the logic for traversing from given wikipedia (source) link to another given (goal) link. One of the key objectives was to implement a shortest path routine, minimizing the number of downloads in going from source to goal by combining ideas from breadth first search (BFS), depth first search (DFS) and Dijkstra’s algorithm.


The graphs shown below are drawn using an example search, with source_node(pink) = Star_wars, goal_node(green) = Computer

BFS implementation - wikipedia is assumed to be a massive undirected, unweighted graph. The search spreads out evenly across all the links from the source - as shown in the image below - then next level and so on, skipping the nodes already visited, until the goal is found or the search options are exhausted. I created the picture below for visually understanding BFS BFS DFS implementation - Starting at the source, all the valid links in the source are collected and source node is marked as visited. The last (most recent) link collected from the source becomes the new source node and same procedure is repeated, until the goal is found or the search options are exhausted. The Image below shows DFS search path for our example case DFS Wikiracer implementation - Dijkstras algorithm is an algorithm for finding the shortest path between two nodes. All edges have a weight associated with them, with lower weights having a lower cost, therefore a higher priority in the queue. For this implementation a modifed Disjkstra’s algoithm is used, edge weights are assigned based on following criteria: - a shallow bfs is performed on the links in the goal node, and these are then compared to the link in the source, having more links in common results in a lower cost - common substring between a link and the goal link, the longer the length of the common substring the lower the cost - the most common links in the wikipedia graph are ignored, this prevents the algorithm from running through the generic links over and over Racer ### Result A key performance criterion for the racer was to perform the search by minimizing the number of downloads from the internet - because ultimately wikiracing is about speed and jumping from page to page is the most time consuming aspect of the game. The comparison table between the three implementations clearly shows the modified Dijkstra’s implementation as a winner for this specification. statistics


I have realized that there are tradeoffs to implementing a more complex cost function for the racer. While a complex function may work well for one search, it may have poor performance in another. For this generic wikipedia search problem, I settled for a function that gave okay perfromance for most of my searches. In real life though, while working on a specific search, this implementation will need to be tweaked to optimize for that particular case.

Copyright © , Amber Ahmed. All rights reserved.